Tuesday, July 28, 2009

hey hermano.

so i took a very unscheduled hiatus, but now i am back in good form, ready to sidetrack your good intentions and completely waste your time. huzzah indeed!

i watched this movie today called charlie bartlett. i rented it for two reasons. one because the eponymous character has the same last name as jed bartlett. the fictional president from the west wing. yes, i know how entirely pathetic this is. don't judge me. but the second reason was because, well, it looked pretty good. and by it looked pretty good, i mean, i saw robert downey jr. on the preview and HE looked pretty good. and hot dog on a stick, he totally was. i don't know where my head has been these past eighteen years or so since i first noticed the opposite sex, but good lord! i mean, obviously i had some semblance of good taste as george clooney earned a permanent space on my radar at the sprightly age of ten. but really, how did i overlook mr. downey junior? i don't know, but lesson learned my friends. i will be paying closer attention to everything so as to avoid regretting lost time. i urge you all to do the same.

another thing i urge you to undertake is mix tape er, um...making. ideally as a gift to me, but if you want to spread the joy to others, by all means do so. when i say mixtape, i actually mean magnetic reels of tape in cassette form and not compact discs. the infallible being that i am, i can confidently say that cassette tapes are far superior a medium for getting your point across through music. whether it's a dramatic declaration of love or simply an assurance of friendship, the point is...it's a pain in the ass to skip a song. so in essence, you make your listener hear you and really digest the songs that you love. this naturally means you must choose your songs wisely. or provide a disclaimer. i generally stick to "this doesn't mean i love you so quit freaking out", but you can come up with your own, i am sure. i also pretend i'm a radio host and am meticulous about one song flowing nicely into the other. but you don't have to be so ocd. now granted, it takes much longer to make an actual mixtape...but at least your recipient will know that you cared enough to take the time to make it. so suck on that, digital recording!

with that i leave you, your found item of the day:



  1. Funny, I was just thinking that I wanted to make you a mix (cd) but I don't have any way of making a cassette tape. Are you still interested? (and if so, I need your address) XO G

  2. that sounds fantastic, and you should do it with all speed. i will make you a mixtape and try to find artists you haven't heard of. though that will be hard since you're usually ahead of the game.
