Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i got them rainy day blues...

except that i totally don't. i just happen to be listening to some muddy waters and felt i had to make something up to fit in with that sceney mother fucker.

anyway, part of the reason i don't have them rainy day blues is because i have a rainy day game plan instead. well, an all weather game plan, really. for those of you paying attention, there happens to be a recurring theme in all of my blog posts; that theme being an incredibly inconvenient and soul crushing case of living below the poverty line. and so, having grown tired of the thundering rain cloud of mediocrity that is my life, i, the great selenie, being of mostly sound body and mind, have decided to go back to school. and not just any school, either. no, no, i hope to attend the ultra prestigious PIMA medical institute. what's that, you say? you've never heard of it? well, neither had i. but apparently they're good. says so on their website and as we know, websites don't lie.

ok, ok. so i did actually do some research. and i have a coworker who's a student there and she has nothing but great things to say. plus they offer lifetime job placement assistance. so i feel pretty confident in their programs, specifically the radiology program which will allow me to become an x-ray technician. yes, that's right. i wish to be an x-ray technician, or radiographer, as we in the biz call it. some of you die-hard cynics may say that i'm doing it solely because specialized x-ray techs make HELLA money. some of you silly altruists may chalk it up to my desire to help others. and you would both be right. but mostly i'm doing it because my game would exponentially increase. no one looks at a lowly CNA. but an x-ray tech! now there is someone who had the temerity and dedication to go to school for two years. two years! that's impressive stuff right there; that's almost a doctor for cryin out loud!

anyway, my interview for the program is in february (i know, what the fuck, right? i want to get started now!), and assuming i pass their admissions requirements and get some serious financial aid, it is on like donkey kong, or some other similar nintendo character, because really, why should he get all the credit? huh? HUH? ANSWER ME! so yay for being almost out of debt, only to take on a considerable amount more!

anyway, wish me luck - i will try my best to keep you posted on this endeavor. until then, enjoy your found item of the day:


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