Thursday, January 28, 2010

triumphantly going where everyone and their mother has already gone before...

into the land of plenty - the magical land of netbooks!

ok, so i was late in the game in terms of getting a personal computer. actually, that's not true. i had one back when i started college but it took a massive dump in the midst of fulfilling my similarly massive dream of downloading every song ever created in the history of forever. as you can imagine, my heart was crushed. and, as it turns out, so was my hard drive. for the next eight years or so, i would beg, borrow and steal (hey! it was for like a second! and i gave it back!) my way through the tawdry world of other people's computers and other people's itunes libraries. all this effort - only to find my soul empty at the end of every day. it just didn't feel real, you know? it felt like i was pretending. which i totally was cause i didn't pay for those computers and i sure as hell did not put the entire boys II men anthology into that library, ahem, terrance. but judgements aside, i must impart gratitude to where kindness was extended. if i harassed you over the years, thank you, i love you and seriously, terrance. it's twenty ten...let it go.

and so as i prepare to step off this precipice into a sea of telecommunicative ability, i must remember that with great power comes great responsibility. i will do my best to write frequently and to contribute thoughts of a classy nature. and if i can't stick to the high brow stuff, i'll at least vow to make my posts entertaining. and if i can't actually make time to post anything, i hope you'll be comforted in the thought that it's probably because i was too busy catching up on episodes of it's always sunny on hulu. i know i'll be comforted at least.

with that, i leave you your found item of the day:

i want a valentine like this.

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