Sunday, April 10, 2011

laces out.

i think i need help. having spent the greater part of this weekend shirking my chores and (unconfirmed reports suggest) my personal hygiene, in order to watch nba games, stream the highlights and settle for baseball when no basketball was available, i can no longer deny that i, the great selenie, am a sports nut. an addict, even. and it's not just basketball - the nfl lockout haunts my dreams. i find myself flipping through stolen television channels with alarming intensity, searching for my next fix, any fix - praising the heavens for canadian television (CANADIAN TELEVISION FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!) because they can always be counted on to deliver hockey or even (gasp!)'s bad. it's real bad. i suppose i have only myself to blame, but i'll blame my strict catholic upbringing instead - for having wound me up so tight that something as pedestrian as a sports addiction could bring me down. i couldn't have the glamour of heroin, noooo - it'll be three point plays that will be my downfall. my only consolation in all of this? i have yet to be seduced by golf - the day that happens will be my last day on earth, i assure you.

whew. it feels good to get that off my chest, and admitting it is the first step, right? right. anyway. how are you, dear reader? ... no? nothing? ok. RUDE. but i'll let it slide. i hope things are wonderful in your world. aside from my freakish, crippling obsession with blatant male aggression, life continues to be splendid. my job is still proving to be awesome and terrifying at the same time. awesome because i get to draw blood and cut up tissues and stare at hot doctors, and terrifying because i get to draw blood, cut up tissues and stammer awkwardly when hot doctors talk to me. good god, i'm smooth. feelings of inadequacy: 1, self-esteem: 0. overall though, i'd definitely file my position as a specimen collection specialist under the incredibly-fantastic-can't-believe-they-picked-me win category. and best of all, for only the second time in my 30 years on this continent, i am being compensated as though i am worth the hard work i've been putting in. it's revolutionary, i tell you! revolutionary!

as always though, with modest financial freedom comes modest financial responsibility. of which i've demonstrated little to none. what's that, night out on the town? you think we should be more than just a weekly thing? ok! oh, hey there, expensive plane ticket, why don't you just scoot on closer? what's going on, thing i've always wanted but could never justify buying? care to reside in the casa de selena? alright! sigh. oh well. i'll give myself 'til after my trip to rosa to embrace the concept of moderation. after all, i think i've demonstrated pretty well that i can quit my bad habits any time i want.

with that, i leave you, your found item of the day: hella jealous.

1 comment:

  1. hella jealous of the girl or of Spidey? loved reading you... things are wonderful in my world, thank you. if you can get Swiss TV channels, you just may catch some Cricket on Ice. yes, you read that right. just enjoy your addiction - and your new found financial relief. and congrats on your excellent and important job!!
