Wednesday, February 29, 2012


so i know i haven't written in a while but to be honest, life has been pretty great which makes my writing pretty boring. and i want only the best for you, dear reader. only the best. which is why i recommend you leave this page at once. seriously, there are so many cat videos that you are missing right now.

ok, well, if you're gonna stick around, i may as well tell you why life has been so great. first, they've decided to put arrested development back on the air. well, on the special netflix air and not until 2013, but still. for those of you who have been living in the amish countryside and are unaware of the greatness that is arrested development or for those just needing a refresher course, i bring you this:

clearly, its return is something to be stoked about. unless you hated that clip. in which case, i've just ruined your whole day. you're welcome. ahem. moving on.

strangely enough, work is also something to be stoked about. my bosses have given me more responsibilities which normally would induce panic but in this case, makes me feel useful and challenged. plus, my propensity to get bored and subsequently into trouble has been greatly diminished. i'm like a cat that way, i suppose. or a child suffering from A.D.D., one of the two.

speaking of cats (which i have been this whole entire time, i just noticed), i've decided that i will likely get one or two or maybe sixteen cats, in lieu of a puppy come march. i know, i know. in my heart of hearts, i really wanted a big dog to snuggle with and blame my farts on, but realistically in this hovel of an apartment, it wouldn't have been fair to him or her. plus, cats are easier and less demanding, even if they are a-holes sometimes. it'll be a good fit as i too am an a-hole sometimes. (this is where you'd say, no way, selena, you're great! and then i'd say oh, go on! and then wait for you to go on. ready? ok!)

reader(s?): no, way, selena! you're great!
selena: oh! go on!
selena: *cough*go*cough*on*
selena: you guys are dicks.

another reason i have opted to not get a dog is that i will hopefully be doing a lot more traveling this year and a dog would make that more difficult logistically. in addition to a trip to massachusetts to get my niece hammered for her twenty-first, i hope to go to santa rosa more often. i visited in early february and was reminded why i loved that place and called it home for so long. so i hope to go back often and enjoy my friends, enjoy excellent mexican food, and stalk spend more time with a certain boy who seems happy to spend more time with me too. like i said, life's been great. especially now that i get to annoy the crap out of everyone with this stupid grin on my face that will not go away.

hope you're all well. here's your found item of the day:

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