Thursday, May 14, 2009

a job. it's where they hire you to work, and then they pay yo...nevermind. i don't want to ruin the surprise.

how do, pardner. things have been good here in good old sunny rainy seattle. the weather outside is brisk and forboding, and i am kinda in love with it.

other things i am in love with at the moment include people watching on the bus, discovering new vegan things to eat, and amy sedaris. being momentarily unemployed has allowed me to retreat into the wonderful world of books, wherein i stumbled upon her book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. by god, that woman is a genuis. i thought it was her brother alone that held the key to my heart, but apparently, they're a sharing family. which suits me just fine. unfortunately, i spent most of the afternoon laughing loudly to myself in a quiet cafe, which incidentally is not how you go about making friends. i got the stink eye from more than a few people. to which i replied, suck it. only, i replied with less than attractive facial gestures which i am certain did not endear me to them any further. oh well. i'm inherently misanthropic anyway.

but i am hopeful i'll meet some cool people at my job. whenever i get one that is. i've been casting a wide net - everything ranging from babysitting to barista-ing to great american sandwich making. alas, alack, very limited response. i do have an interview tomorrow for the latter and am trying to think positive thoughts. even though it's only part time and requires me to work at the buttcrack of dawn, i'll take it. and if still no other wonderful opportunity presents itself, i can always canvass for greenpeace on the streets, she said, shuddering, biting her lip and trying not to cry. i think terrance put it best when he said he'd rather lick assholes for a living. which is kinda the same, when you think about it.

anyway...all these employment shenanigans aside, i am enjoying myself immensely. and while it's incredibly surreal to know that i live here now and not santa rosa, it still ends up feeling pretty good at the end of the day...movement is good...change is good. and i feel pretty happy.

but it doesn't mean that i don't miss you all either...sometimes i am on the verge of tears, but then i realize that contrary to popular belief, crying like a sissy does not win people over. and so i snap out of it, and focus instead on what amy sedaris would do. more often than not, the situation calls for excessive drinking. which at the moment, i can't say i'm opposed to. it's happy hour somewhere.

with that, i leave you...your found item of the day:

1 comment:

  1. you are the most incredible blogger. i miss you, and thank you for being the change and documenting the change. you will find your happiest moments in the near future. fate will test you for your love.
