Sunday, April 25, 2010

forgive me sun...

for thinking your presence today would signal the beginning of shorts and t-shirts season. clearly, the goosebumps and lip chattering were evidence that i was sorely mistaken. i guess this means my aspirations to become the greatest meteorologist of our time may have been a bit misguided. pity.

not that i have the time to pursue such a rip roaring endeavor in the first place. my schedule continues to be insane with little time to myself, hence the absence of witty witticisms usually displayed here. but absent no more! tonight! tonight, i give the people what they want! (but selena, no one asked you to writ- SILENCE! i will not tolerate your insolence!) ahem.

other than studying medical insurance and coding for the last two weeks (with another three ahead of me), school's been pretty kick ass. i'm finally starting to make friends with my classmates and i didn't even have to pay them, so that's a win. turns out they like drinking just as much as i do, and as we all know, nothing says lasting friendship like being wasted and declaring friends forever with people you've known for two months. seriously though, it's been a pretty great experience and in particular, i feel as though i've found a kindred spirit in my classmate lauren. sweet as a button and a fellow lover of arrested development, she totally meets the santa rosa gold standard.

speaking of which, holy crap, it's still surreal that i left. seems like just yesterday i was attempting to load up the budget truck, fighting off an insane hangover from the whiskydrunk mustache bash, while being plagued by bouts of intermittent crying. and now here i am, in a new city, fighting off insane hangovers from drinking with greg, still being plagued by bouts of intermittent crying. how the world turns, my friends. how the world turns.

anyway, i have more to say, but it's late and you've done your duty by reading thus far, so i'll pause for now. here is your found item of the day: how i long, LONG to meet this guy...

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