Monday, May 31, 2010


oh, david bowie. how you speak to me.

and my current situation, which, in case you missed my subtlety, is changing. i finally got confirmation on that job offer, and put in my two weeks notice at the group home on thursday. unfortunately, my boss has been on vacation and will not get my letter until tomorrow. not. anticipating. a. good. reaction. lately she's been even more of a hot mess than her usual angry self, and this may push her over the edge. naturally, i don't want to be responsible for that, but i can't stay there. especially when my new boss is the complete opposite of her, aka, totally well adjusted and overall AWESOME! seriously, she rules. still, it's gonna be hard to leave the residents. especially since my new residents will not be dd, but rather just old and curmudgeony. but i suppose curmudgeons need love too, know...i'll be nice...i guess.

in other news, my family's visit went by at light speed. how quickly time flies when you have no obligations except to eat well, drink lots and be totally pampered by your mommy. and despite the guilty weight of sheer indulgence this weekend, i needed that break desperately. school found a way to kick up the wild factor by throwing us med assistant students into the deep end of the venipuncture pool. that's right. injections and blood draws. on each other. with scant instruction. jealous much? you should be.

actually, despite the surreal nature of lab class, it's been pretty cool to know that i will someday be competent enough to actually perform these procedures in a hospital setting. provided i don't fail my lecture class. which demands that i stop dilly dallying and get back to the cardiology packet due tomorrow. so stop distracting me. please. i'm trying to make something of myself here, and i don't need your constant nay-saying, blog reader. if that even is your real name.

here's your found item of the day:

hey buddy. i'm totally your gal. minus the athletic part.

1 comment:

  1. I've missed your posts Selena, good to hear the latest. Congrats on the new job - yay!! XO
