Tuesday, June 9, 2009

and the hunt is on...

i had an interview this morning for that job working with dd adults. i felt that it went pretty well and they had me fill out a lot of forms as if i got the job which is always a good sign. however, they are still interviewing others and will let me know officially in the next few days. keep your fingers crossed. even though the hours of 2 - 10 pm, thursday through monday, totally interfere with my primarily fictitious social life, i'll take it since the timely payment of rent is apparently non-negotiable.

in the meantime, in alignment with my rigorous schedule of DOING NOTHING, i've continued to devour books from the library. my obsession has begun to border on unhealthy and once even crossed the line with its toe, particularly that time when i read david nicholls' 400 page a question of attraction in one solid, solitary afternoon. in my defense, the man is witty as all get out. really, he should be punished for such piquant writing. i'd see to it myself if he weren't all the way in london, and if i weren't so lazy and distractable. plus i'm a pacifist at heart. or a sissy. as it were.

no matter, i have other things to keep me occupied. tonight, in an effort to reconnect with actual humans, i have cajoled lawren into going to see davy rothbart from found magazine at the crocodile cafe. (as a side note, for those loyal readers who may fear i frequently bully lawren into doing things he may not want to, all i can say is mind your own beeswax, ramona. besides, peer pressure is good for you. builds character.) i caught the last bit of davy's show at the northwest folk music festival, and rest assured dear friends, that man is a funny mother fucker. and hot. funny, and hot. such an amazing combination. not to mention he created the voyeuristic pleasuretown of found magazine, which i can clearly and unmistakably assume he did so simply as a ruse to meet me. i mean, what other plausible explanation could there be, right? right. i'm glad you agree.

in that plucky and optimistic spirit, i leave you with your found item of the day:

oooh. burn...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us lovers of Selena updated. My fingers are crossed for you, for all good things. . . job, hot+funny man, etc. . .
