Sunday, June 7, 2009

flim, flam, thank you ma'am.

by far, my favorite sound in music (and perhaps the universe at large) is the flam. what is the flam, you ask? well, if you pipe down and let me talk free of your insouciant, devil-may-care interruptions, i'll get on with it, ok?

a flam, for the uninformed, is a drum rudiment in which the snare is struck with both hands almost simultaneously, one stick striking slightly harder than the other. it is brilliantly executed on a
from monument to masses' song, the first five, off of "on little known frequencies". the entire album is flawless, of course, and i'm not saying that just because i'm currently obsessed with them. or maybe i am. still, you'd be doing yourself a world of good if you ran out and got yourself a copy of this gem.

and due to my current state of funemployment, there are a great many more recommendations from the great selenie files which include the following:

1. wicked by gregory maguire. as with all things massively popular, i was skeptical and unwilling to even approach this book. at the risk of seeming incredibly snobbish, it is virtually impossible to underestimate the stupidity and lack of taste in other people. nonetheless, i got over myself and put a hold on this book at the library. and now having read it, i can only be grateful. it is well written, funny and poignant all at once. kind of like my blogs, right? RIGHT?!? that's what i thought.

2. pinky and the brain. i know what you're thinking. isn't that a children's cartoon, when is she going to grow up, she's twenty nine for god's sake? i have no counter argument. all i can say is that this show was genius and well ahead of its time. think of it as a classier, more linear version of family guy. and if you rent it and hate it, well, you have no soul and should be ashamed. there. i said it.

3. wait, wait, don't tell me. ah, yes. npr. here's my chance to redeem myself with something elegant and refined. except for the part that it's probably the least refined segment on npr which makes it defacto my favorite part. i would move to utah, become mormon and marry both peter sagal and carl kasell if i could. hey. i think i'm onto something. or on something. that would make more sense. if it were true. which it isn't. what? shut up. go to your puny little library and check out the best of series of the show. go on. scram.

with that, i leave you your found item of the day:


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