Wednesday, June 10, 2009

when it rains, it pours...

or sprinkles. or tinkles. if you happen to prefer a golden shower. i don't know what i'm saying. this is the worst game of word association i've ever played.

ahem. what i was failing to get at is that i have a job! yes, lincoln park group home called me at an incredibly indecent hour this morning (ten am. the nerve.) and informed me that i had won over their hearts and minds, and that they'd like me to start training for the job on monday! naturally, i played it cool and aloof, as one who's been desperately seeking employment for the last month ought to. and by playing it cool, i mean i thanked them profusely and then immediately called my mother.

and as luck would have it, both starbucks and a youth agency called this afternoon asking to set up interviews (hence the poorly executed idiom of raining and pouring). frankly, this is the kind of behavior i've come to expect from you, starbucks. you're just like a man. only wanting what you can't have. well, i won't stand for it, starbucks. i just won't. you hear me? i...what's that? you're sorry? well, i suppose i could give forgive you. i'll call you back later. yes. yes. i love you too.

hey. don't look at me like that, reader. may i remind you that i don't really have any friends here and that it might be nice to actually work around people who are near my age? and by near my age, i mean, people who go to college parties because they still shoulder tap and are not past their prime like some short mexican chick i know. sigh. i suppose all things will come together eventually. at least the proverbial job duck has gotten into its place in the row. i am supremely grateful for that.

especially since having money means i get to do more fun things like last night's found show. oh, man, the awesome. i am not sure if i mentioned it in the last blog, but davy's hot. and his brother peter is even hotter. and a totally talented singer. i was in heaven. not to mention, i totally popped lawren's found magazine cherry. he is now a convert, totally inspired to pick up random discarded things, and for that, i can only feel a motherly pride.

with that, i leave you, your found item of the day:

i love it. so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I'm Selena and I like golden showers - I mean, I have a new kick ass job in Seattle and I am going to make three times the amount of money that all those poor suckers living in Portland do.

    But yes, in all seriousness, congratulations on the job!! Let's figure out a good time for us to visit you, because that really needs to happen soon. I now think of Seattle with great fondness knowing that you and your nose are living only three hours away. I will poke you in your sleep when you least expect it...creeeeepy.
